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Racist Democrats Nury Martinez and Kevin de Leon hurl racial slurs at Mike Bonin and his son

Democrats, the party of racism, Jim Crowe, segregation and slavery are once again showing off their racism. Two Los Angeles Democrat councilmembers, Nury Martinez and Kevin De Leon not only hurled racial slurs at colleague Mike Bonin, but they also hurled the slurs at Bonin’s son. Typical Democrats.

Los Angeles City Council members Nury Martinez and Kevin de León apologized Sunday for using racist language in an attack on colleague Mike Bonin during a conversation in October 2021.

“In a moment of intense frustration and anger, I let the situation get the best of me and I hold myself accountable for these comments. For that I am sorry. The context of this conversation was concern over the redistricting process and concern about the potential negative impact it might have on communities of color. My work speaks for itself. I’ve worked hard to lead this city through its most difficult time,” Martinez said in a statement to FOX 11.

Councilmember de León also issued an apology, saying “There were comments made in the context of this meeting that are wholly inappropriate; and I regret appearing to condone and even contribute to certain insensitive comments made about a colleague and his family in private. I’ve reached out to that colleague personally.”On that day, I fell short of the expectations we set for our leaders — and I will hold myself to a higher standard.”