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John Kirby Doubles Down On Biden’s ‘Armageddon’ Comments

I guess now we know why those “Dark Brandon” eyes of Joe Biden are glowing. On of Biden’s propaganda ministers, John Kirby is now doubling down on Joey’s “Armageddon” cracks trying yet again to scare Americans into submission. The problem is, if Putin is as crazy as all the American proapganda outlets claim, he likely would use nukes not just against Ukraine, but the world.

Personally, I prefer “mean tweets” to nuclear Armageddon, but maybe that’s just me.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on Sunday doubled down on President Joe Biden’s “Armageddon” comments from last week.

Appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Kirby defended the remarks made by Biden at a Democratic Party fundraiser that suggested the U.S. could be on the verge of a nuclear exchange.

“The president was reflecting the very high stakes that are in play right now,” Kirby told host Martha Raddatz. “When you have modern nuclear power and the leader of that modern nuclear power willing to use irresponsible rhetoric the way that Mr. Putin has several times in just the last week or two, as well as the high tensions in Ukraine over just the course of the last few days. So the president, I think, was accurately reflecting the fact that the stakes are very high right now.”