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Disgusting! Jon Stewart compares transgender care for children to ‘pediatric cancer’

Not only are these groomer leftists absolutely nuts, they are evil and sinister too! I mean, why else would failed comedian Jon Steward compare transgender care for children to something like pediatric cancer. The left loves to claim how people who support Trump are like cult member. Tell me how these pro transgender care for young children aren’t cultish?

In the hopes of persuading Rutledge to his way of thinking, Stewart at one point even compared transgender treatment for minors to “chemotherapy.”

“So, if your child is suffering from pediatric cancer, and the state comes in and says to you, ‘They recommend chemotherapy, but we’re not going to let you do that. You can’t. We think you should get a different opinion, and here’s the organization we think you should get the opinion from,'” Stewart posed as a hypothetical. “…Does that sound like something you would accept?”

Rutledge called the comparison “extreme” and insisted that in life-and-death situations like cancer, if she ever received recommendations for her child that went against her beliefs, she would consult other medical experts.

“I’ve got some bad news for you,” Stewart replied. “Parents with children who have gender dysphoria have lost children to suicide and depression. Because it’s acute.”