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Kamala Harris says she never ate grapes until her 20s because of labor or something

Haven’t seen or heard much from word salad Kamala Harris lately, but when she does speak, she still sounds like a complete idiot. Apparently eats grapes between Kamala Harris’ ages of 19-36 was consider bad or something. So she never ate any until her 20s. What’s what she told left wing rag “The Nation” in an interview published today. Kamala Harris even said “Like, literally”, you know, like Valley Girls used to talk in the early 1980s?

Eating table grapes was shunned by labor activists from the time Harris was 19 to 36 — meaning Harris would have indeed flouted a picket line if her story is true.

“This sounds quaint, and so I’m reluctant to say it, but, you know, I didn’t eat a grape until I was in my 20s,” Harris told The Nation in an interview published Monday.

“Like, literally, had never had a grape. I remember the first time I had a grape, I went, ‘Wow! This is quite tasty.’ It was absolutely ingrained so deeply in me: Never cross a picket line.”

But Harris’ story is inconsistent with the timeline of the three major grape boycotts spearheaded by the Cesar Chavez-led United Farm Workers.

The UFW launched its third and longest California grape boycott in June 1984, just over four months before Harris’ 20th birthday, and it lasted until 2000 when Harris was 36.