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Are you ready to pay another $13.7 billion to Ukraine?

We’ve already given over $40 billion to Ukraine in arms and aide, what’s another $13.7 billion? Personally, I’m getting tired of funding this war for the corrupt country of Ukraine. This should be Europe’s problem, not ours. All that money, the $40 billion and now the $13.7 billion would be a lot better used in this country. How about helping homeless veterans? How about helping those with mental sickness (though that would be basically any Democrat). Stop the damn money laundering already! I mean, I know that the Biden’s have to pay off their masters in Ukraine, but enough already!

President Joe Biden wants to spend $13.7 billion more in aid to Ukraine as his massive slush fund already approved by Congress earlier this year is running dry.

Biden’s request to Congress is part of an overall $47.1 billion emergency spending package of more funds to fight the coronavirus and monkeypox, according to the Associated Press, citing anonymous sources.

Biden has spent roughly three-quarters of the $40 billion approved by Congress in May, officials told the Associated Press, and he wants to spend $13.7 billion more.

The additional funds would not only fund equipment and intelligence support but “direct budgetary support for Ukraine,” the report notes.

Using the existing $40 billion, Biden continues announcing multi-billion dollar packages to fund weapons and ammo, surface-to-air missile systems, counter-drone technology, and drones.