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Herschel Walker takes the lead over communist Raphael Warnock for Georgia Senate

No matter how hard the media tries to smear Herschel Walker, he’s actually in the lead (even in left wing polling) in the latest Georgia senate poll. Emerson polling, a known left wing polling outfit that always oversamples Democrats to make the numbers look better has Walker with a two point lead over communist Warnock. Walker leads 46-44%. The fact that Warnock, an incumbent is at only 44% in a left wing biased poll is a very bad sign for Georgia communist Democrats.

Another big warning sign for communist Warnock is the suburbs. Walker leads Warnock by 9 points in the suburbs, a place that generally tend to decide elections in moderately sized states. Walker leads Warnock 50=41% in the suburbs.

The latest Emerson College Polling survey of the Georgia general election finds Senator Raphael Warnock trailing his Republican opponent, Herschel Walker by two points, 44% to 46%. Four percent plan to vote for someone else and 7% are undecided.

Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling said, “Walker leads Warnock among rural voters 58% to 24% while Warnock leads Walker 66% to 25% among urban voters. In the suburbs, voters are breaking for Walker by a nine-point margin, 50% to 41%.”