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Am I a conspiracy theorist thinking there’s something more seriously wrong with Biden than rebound COVID?

A lot of what I thought over especially the last several years, especially about COVID was called a “conspiracy theory” by media, big tech, Democrats and big pharma Republicans. Well, get ready to call me a conspiracy theorist again, but I think there is something much more seriously wrong with Joe Biden than just “rebound COVID.” Let’s make one thing perfectly clear. I am not a progressive. I do not wish any ill or harm on Biden. I do not like the man, his corrupt family or what he has done to this country. But I know he is nothing more than a puppet of Obama and Soros and likely has no clue what he is even doing.

Let’s also remember who would replace Biden if he had to resign for any reason. We’d get a president word salad Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi would be third in line for the presidency. As bad as Biden is, word salad Kamala with or without Nancy Pelosi would be 100 times worse.

But there has been a lot of weird stuff with COVID-Joe lately. He made a gaffe? about having cancer. He routinely calls Kamala Harris the president of the United States. He shakes hands with ghosts, says he’s not allowed to state some things and has the Easter Bunny get him away from the softball media.

The guy can’t even complete a sentence, even when reading it off a teleprompter. So forgive me if I think something else is seriously wrong with Biden.

We all know nothing will happen to Hunter Biden, no matter how many laws he broke, so it’s not like Joe Biden is worried about something like that. He’s not concerned his “Doctor” wife called Hispanics “breakfast tacos” because he’s that stupid.

So what’s really going on with Biden? I like to think it’s more about communist Democrats trying to nudge Biden out before the mid-term elections than there is anything seriously wrong with Biden. He’s the least popular president in American history at this point in their presidency. He has a fawning media, controlled opposition with Faux News and a weak Republican party with idiots like Mitch McConnell in charge that get totally rolled by Joe Manchin on spending bills.

So what’s really going on with old Joe? Maybe I’m totally wrong and it is just “rebound” COVID, but I don’t trust anyone in government. It’s not like anyone is known for telling the truth.