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#SueTheView trending on Twitter after The View lied about “nazis” showing up to their Student Action Summit

Left wing extremists, dressed as, and holding a nazi flag of course showed up at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit because they knew the hacks in the media, like Whoopie Goldberg, Joy Behar and others would false claim that they were invited and a part of the Turning Point USA gathering. This is the same little trick the communist Democrat scum tried to use during the Virginia election when tiki torch carrying fake white supremacists showed up for a Glenn Younkin event.

Before the Twitter algorithms kicked in, the top trending topic was #SueTheView.. It’s about time ABC/Disney and the hags of The View paid the price for their lies and gaslighting. Someone needs to sue the hell out of these assholes, and hopefully Turning Point USA will be the first.