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Empty vault Geraldo Rivera: Liz Cheney for POTUS

I think Geraldo Rivera kind of has a crush on Liz Cheney, and got excited with all the softball interviews today, especially with weasel Bret Baier and Fox News earlier. Not only did empty vault Geraldo the other day declared that Liz Cheney a “once-in-a-generation stand up hero”, but now he wants Cheney to be the next president…

Yea, sorry there Gerry. Liz Cheney (or any Cheney) has about as much of a chance at ever being president as your BFF Anthony Weiner. It’s just not going to happen, ever. You can cheerlead the neocon all you want Gerry.

Now, put your shirt back on, and prepare for this week’s humiliation when they have you on The Five. We know you will never face Dan Bongino again. Geraldo Rivera is just one of so many reasons why Fox News sucks so bad.