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J6 hearings ratings tank from last June “prime time” clown show

Doesn’t look like people give a damn about the clown show J6 hearings. Instead people are worried about inflation, putting food on the table and being able to get to and from work. Also, some people who recently became parents are struggling to find baby formula because the shortage is worse now than in previous weeks. But if the clowns think people give a damn about their clown show hearings, then go ahead.

While the ratings for the June “prime time” hearing were about 20 million (on a normal night, these same channels combined get on average 25-30 million viewers), Thursday’s was even more pathetic. Ratings dropped another 11% from the 20 million who watched the committee’s last nighttime event in June.

That’s why there will be no hearings in August as communist Democrats and NeverTRUMP Republicans who’s time in congress is coming to an end have to wait until at least September.

The only ones to benefit from these hearings are CNN and MSNBC. Instead of the their normal, boring communist propaganda shows that don’t even draw a million per day, they are seeing some sort of ratings bump during these clown show hearings.

Otherwise, it’s an epic flop. With just 17 million watching combined between all the networks, that’s off by about 10 million from a normal night.