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Even CNBC can’t hide it anymore – Biden approval rating now lower than Trump ever was

No matter how bad the media tries to sell the American people on the failure that is Joe Biden, and no matter how hard they try and rig their polls, Joe Biden’s approval ratings are lower than Trump’s ever got during his presidency, Compare and contrast the type of coverage Biden gets compared to Trump, and it’s amazing that Trump’s approval ratings were even as high as they were considering the constant media, media and NeverTrump “Republican” smears.

Joe Biden’s approval ratings is now at 35% in the latest left wing biased CNBC poll. They sampled 800 “American adults”, not registered voters that are a more accurate reflection. Trump’s lowest approval rating in this same left wing biased poll was 36%, so that’s how bad Biden the failure is.

In The Hill’s write up of this latest bad news for Biden and the Democrats, they don’t mention his actual approval rating until near the end of the story. But yea, The Hill isn’t biased or something.

This poll was also conducted before Biden’s embarrassing trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia. Expect the numbers to go even lower.

Biden’s overall presidential approval in the poll was one point lower than Trump’s lowest rating, at 36 percent.

Inflation was the top concern, followed closely by abortion. The lowest listed concern was the coronavirus, a change from recent years. Other concerns included crime, immigration, jobs and climate change.

About half of the respondents said Biden’s moves against inflation are having no effect — and just shy of a third think his efforts are having the opposite effect of their intention.

Over half of respondents reported cutting back on entertainment, driving less and reducing travel to combat rising costs.