Wooo hoo! Fauci is going to retire. When Biden’s term is up, so it’s Fauci, the media’s idol as he is FINALLY going to retire.
Breaking news: Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s preeminent infectious-diseases expert who has served as the face of the coronavirus pandemic response for more than two years, will retire by the end of President Biden’s term.https://t.co/lela59W5B5
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) July 18, 2022
This is the first bit of good news on COVID and health related issues in over two years.
Wait sooooo COVID escaped from a lab in China funded by FAUCI, for YEARS. FAUCI came out and lieD and said" it came from a BAT WET MARKET ". He said " We know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT THIS NEW VIRUS or WHAT MEDICINES WORK TO FIGHT IT" .He SAid "NO ONE DID."
What a liar!
— Kell (@KellzBellzzah) July 18, 2022
Goodbye, so long and don’t let the door hit you on the way out you slimy puppet of China.