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They are terrified: Leftist The Hill wants Democrats to use 14th Amendment to prevent Trump running in 2024

It’s so funny. Communist Democrats tell you that if Trump runs again in 2024, that Republicans are doomed and that Democrats would win in a historic landslide (even if Biden ran). Yet, then they go spread crap like this on left wing biased “The Hill”. This article says that congress must prevent Trump from running in 2024 by using the 14th Amendment or something. So wait, now The Constitution is good again?

Make up your damn minds already commies. Either Trump is unelectable or you are admit you are terrified he would crush any commiecrat running in 2024.

After the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, is there any doubt that Donald Trump fomented the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021?

There are no longer any innocent explanations for what he did that day. Select Committee testimony has demonstrated that he knew he had no good factual or legal basis for his claim that the election was stolen, that he knew Vice President Mike Pence was not going to save him and that his only chance to remain in the White House was to stop the final ratification by Congress on Jan. 6. The testimony has also demonstrated that he knew some in the crowd assembled to hear him speak were armed, that a mob was heading to the Capitol, and that it was clearly in his power to call off the insurrection — but instead of trying to stop the violence, he chose to do nothing.

The question is: Can anything be done, short of a criminal conviction, to prevent Trump from seeking to recapture the presidency?

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment disqualifies a person from being president who, while holding a federal office, participated in an insurrection against the United States.

That prohibition must surely apply to Donald Trump, and that is what the House sought to establish in Trump’s second impeachment; however, because the impeachment trial was held before a full investigation of the insurrection charge had taken place, much of the most damning evidence uncovered by the Select Committee was not available. Thus, while the House will not get a second chance, there are other means of achieving Trump’s disqualification, although they have never been tested in a court before now.