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Joe Biden’s brother (James) peddled influence using family name in the Middle East

Why is Joe Biden suddenly so friendly to Saudi Arabia after calling them a “Pariah” state? It’s probably because Biden’s corrupt brother James has been busy peddling influence in Saudi Arabia and across the Middle East, using the Biden Crime Family name. No wonder Biden is basically kissing the Saudi’s asses. This is more than just oil.

REP. JAMES COMER: This is very serious. This is the first time that we have evidence that the Bidens have tried to peddle influence in the Middle East, specifically in Saudi Arabia. So James Biden somehow got hooked in with a small health care startup called Americore Holdings. And like any small startup, they need capital. And James Biden made the pitch that if they worked with him, he could use the Biden family name and capitalize on that by getting them funding from the Middle East.

So when you look at the suspicious activity report that you mentioned earlier — all the bank violations on the accounts that Hunter Biden and James Biden had. I always found that odd because most suspicious activity reports in states like Kentucky and Tennessee, they’re generated from foreign transactions specifically in the Middle East. Because these were created after September the 11th to try to track terrorists funneling groups into American terror cells, and it’s expanded to include things like money laundering now.