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Steve Cohen – communist Democrat of Tennessee declares Canada ‘freest country in the world’

Communist Democrat Steve Cohen doesn’t like it here very much. Yet, he wouldn’t go away. He declared during a congressional hearing that Canada is the ‘freest country in the world’. Is that right Steve? Then they the fuck are you still here dirtbag? Cohen only has his congressional seat because of gerrymandering of Nashville. He wouldn’t last two seconds in any other congressional district.

Maybe Cohen can take Lebron with him and move to Canada, you know, since it’s the “freest country in the world” or something.

Tennessee Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen on Thursday declared that Canada has supplanted the United States as the “freest country in the world” because some states are now preventing women from killing their unborn babies at will.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the impact of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Cohen took issue with a pro-life witness’ statement that America is the freest country in the world.

“And there are a few other countries along with Canada that are more free than America, when you cut women away from having the opportunity to get their families and their bodies to be their choices,” he added.

In its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution does not grant a federal right to abortion and that each state legislature holds the power to pass laws permitting or restricting abortion. Elected representatives will make these laws as they see fit, according to the will of their constituents as expressed at the ballot box.