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Two of Hunter Biden’s iPhone contacts were FBI thugs (who have had the laptop since 2019)

There has been little to no coverage of the Hunter Biden iCloud alleged hack by 4chan. Even a lot of conservative websites don’t seem to interested in the story which makes me wonder. One thing that the hack has revealed though is that Hunter Biden had two FBI thug contacts on his iPhone. You know the same FBI that has been sitting on Hunter Biden’s laptop since 2019?

Among Hunter Biden’s contacts is the FBI’s Cyber Division Section Chief Michael Harrington. The other is Herb Stapleton, the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director for the Cyber Capabilities Branch of the Cyber Division.

I’m sure it’s just yet another amazing coincidence right?

Among Hunter Biden’s contacts is the FBI’s Cyber Division Section Chief Michael Harrington.

Hunter’s iPhone with Mike Harrington

Did you catch Hunter’s note at the bottom? “Only contact if absolutely necessary.”

By his own admission, Biden lost not one but three laptops during his various crack binges, so I’m guessing that “absolutely necessary” might have come more often than anyone would have guessed.

Area Code 202 is for Washington, DC, so you can be sure that “journalists” from several national outfits are already trying to contact Harrington for an explanation.

Or maybe not.