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Historic! Joe Biden is least popular president (at this stage of presidency) in 76 years!

Joe Biden promised to be a historic president, and now he really is! Joe Biden is now the least popular president since 1946 (76 years). Harry Truman, at this point in his second term was the only president with lower approval ratings than Joey. Not even Donald Trump, who the media slandered continuously for over four years was this low! No President since Truman’s second term has been below 40% at this point of their presidency.

President Joe Biden’s approval rating 18 months into his presidency is lower than any president’s in more than 75 years, according to FiveThirtyEight polling on Monday.

Biden’s approval rating, which has dropped to 38.4 percent, is historically lower than any other modern-day president’s with the exception of Harry Truman’s in his second year in office. In 1946, Truman’s approval rating was 33 percent 18 months into his term.

In this Feb. 27, 1946, file photo, Eleanor Roosevelt, right, wife of the late President Franklin Roosevelt, meets with President Harry S. Truman at the White House. (Byron Rollins, File/AP)

Biden’s approval rating 18 months into his presidency is worse than the following presidents’ at the same stage of their terms:

Donald Trump (42.1 percent)
Barack Obama (46.3 percent)
George W. Bush (66.9 percent)
Bill Clinton (46 percent)
George H.W. Bush (63.2 percent)
Ronald Reagan (44 percent)
Jimmy Carter (42.1 percent)
Gerald Ford (44.3 percent)
Richard Nixon (54.1 percent)
Lyndon B. Johnson (64 percent)
John F. Kennedy (69 percent)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (69.9 percent)