The left wing extremists, who are really triggered over the Roe V. Wade SCOTUS decision decided to vandalize Fox News with “F-Ck Fox, F-ck Capitalism” among other slogans on the Fox News building in New York City. You see that Fox? No matter how much you pander to the left with your anti-Trump crap, they will never like you. I’m talking to you weasel Bret Baier, hag Martha MacCallum and of course the idiot Geraldo Rivera.
This also proves, yet again that Democrats, even these “pro-abortion” ones are nothing but filthy Marxist communists. Stop calling them socialists and call them what they really are!
"Fuck Fox" and "Fuck Capitalism" – aftermath as pro-abortion protesters stormed Fox News in NYC
Video by Ken Lopez (FNTV
— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) June 25, 2022
"Fuck Fox" and "Fuck Capitalism"? So,killing babies is about Communism?
‘Night of rage' protests erupt into violence across the country: Fox News HQ targeted, fireworks shot at police, pro-life woman attacked, journalists assaulted
— Uncle T (@UncleT4WVU) June 25, 2022
Militant far-left protesters angry over #RoevWade surrounded the Manhattan building where Fox News is headquartered. They vandalized the building.
— Andy Ngô
(@MrAndyNgo) June 25, 2022
Sorry, I have no sympathy for the weasels at Fox. You earned it. I agree with that message, just not the tactics.