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Megan Rapinoe supports trans inclusion of women’s sports

Subway spokesperson, Megan Rapinoe is flapping her gums again. This time in support of transgender athlete in women’s sports. You know, like Lia Thomas? Obviously, this washed up noise box is entitled to her opinion. Though I do wonder what would happen if a person, born as a male, transitioned and decided to play women’s soccer. The spot on the roster the person would take would be Megan Rapinoe’s. Bet she’d be singing a different tune then.

Far-left U.S. soccer star and famed national anthem protester Megan Rapinoe is “100 percent supportive of trans inclusion” in girls’ and women’s sports, attempting to justify her unscientific position by contending that fairness in women’s sports is “not more important than any one kid’s life.”

“I’m 100% supportive of trans inclusion,” Rapinoe said in an interview with Time, making the admission as the debate continues to emerge as a national issue, forcing some states to take action to protect girls’ and women’s sports.

“We’re missing almost everything. At the highest level, there is regulation. In collegiate sports, there is regulation. And at the Olympic and professional level. It’s not like it’s a free-for-all where everyone’s just doing whatever,” she said, seemingly ignoring the fundamental physical advantages biological men have over women.

However, she attempted to justify her position by contending that the transgender debate has been too focused on sports when in reality, she said, it is about trans people’s lives more generally.

“I think people also need to understand that sports is not the most important thing in life, right? Life is the most important thing in life. And so much of this trans inclusion argument has been put through the extremely tiny lens of elite sports,” she said. “We’re talking about kids. We’re talking about people’s lives.”