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Nancy Pelosi, House communist Democrats kill Supreme Court justice protection bill

It’s almost as if, Democrats want one of their radicals to do something like soy boy Nicolas Roske almost did to SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh. Despite being unanimously approved in the Senate, House Democrats, lead by Nancy Pelosi kill the bill that would have given even more protection to Supreme Court Justices as the left gins up hate against the conservative members. I don’t care what the ideology of a Supreme Court Justice is, they need more protection now, after Biden, the media and Democrats have ginned up the hate. Chuck Schumer almost had his hands covered in blood yesterday.

House Democrats on Wednesday again pushed off the consideration of Senate-approved legislation that would offer additional protection to Supreme Court justices – just a day after man was charged with attempting to murder Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Tuesday made a unanimous consent request to bring the legislation that would increase security for justices to the House floor for consideration on Tuesday and again on Wednesday, after the arrest and charging of 26-year-old Nicholas Roske, who allegedly intended to carry out a murder-suicide plot against Kavanaugh at his Maryland home.

The Senate, last month, unanimously passed a bill amid protests at justices’ homes following the leak of a draft opinion indicating the high court is likely to overturn Roe v. Wade.