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Speaking of gun control, when is Hunter Biden going to jail for lying on background check?

All we hear (unless it’s from weekend shootings in Chicago) from the left and their lackeys in the media is gun control and background checks. That’s all fine and wonderful, but then if you actually enforced the law, then Hunter Biden should be in jail for lying during his background check to purchase a gun. Lying on a background check is a felony. It’s already been confirmed that Hunter Biden lied on his background check to purchase a gun (that he left in the garbage can somewhere). Yet, nothing happens to him.

The Biden Crime Family, like ever other communist Democrats seem to be immune from the laws they violate. That’s what makes all this talk about gun control that much more frustrating.

Media, Democrats and even some Republicans don’t give a damn about “gun violence”. All they want is power over you to control every aspect of your life. The Hunter Biden situation lying on a background check (with no repercussions) is a perfect example of that.

Hunter Biden may have committed a felony offense by lying on a background check before purchasing a gun, Politico reported on Thursday.

Biden answered “no” in response to the question “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” as part of the background check. The check was administered on the Firearms Transaction Record Biden filled out in order to purchase a .38 revolver on October 12, 2018.

Copies of the transaction record, and a receipt for the gun, were obtained by Politico for a report on Secret Service agents allegedly intervening after President Biden’s daughter-in-law threw the gun into a trash receptacle.

Hunter Biden has battled drug addiction through much of his adult life, and was discharged from the Navy in 2014 after failing a drug test. The president’s son was stopped by police with a crack pipe in his car in 2017, and an assailant aimed a gun at him while he was trying to purchase cocaine in Los Angeles in 2016.

Hunter Biden is scheduled to publish a memoir on his struggle with addiction next month.