For now ten straight days, the average cost for a gallon of gas has set a brand new record. Today’s average for a gallon of gas around the country is $4.589, with the cheapest being in Oklahoma at $4.032. The most expensive of course is California, setting another state record for being over $6 per gallon at $6.061. This is what Democrat policy and #BidenPriceHike has brought the country. All you people who voted for Joetato because you were offended by mean tweets are getting what you deserve. Unfortunately, so is the rest of the country.
Appar4ently, the Biden regime and Democrat think Venezuelan oil is cleaner than American oil. Instead of allowing more drilling in this country, Biden is removing sanctions on Venezuela and begging them for their dirty oil.
Another all time high gas price average today at $4.589. 12% higher than last month. 151% higher than last year
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) May 19, 2022
Another day, another fuel price record (although probably some relief is nearby as wholesale markets have sold off):
US gasoline retail price hits $4.589 per gallon (up 51% year-on-year). Six states (WA, OR, CA, NV, AK and HI) have average retail prices >$5 per gallon #OOTT
— Javier Blas (@JavierBlas) May 19, 2022
Gas prices reached ANOTHER RECORD HIGH this morning…
ikeroccovioli (@mikeroccovioli) May 19, 2022
10th day in a row!
Gas prices reached ANOTHER RECORD HIGH this morning…
Cost of a gallon of gas when Joe Biden took office?
— Nathan Brand (@NathanBrandWA) May 19, 2022