The Biden Baby Formula shortage is getting worse all over the country and parents are panicking everywhere. The media always has excuses for the Biden failed regime, blaming it on “COVID” supply chains, which are a load of shit. While Biden and the crooked congress send yet another $40 billion of our tax dollars to Ukraine, there is no plan to tackled the worsening baby formula shortage. This is what happens when you vote against someone because of “mean tweets”. A lot of these parents who are panicking now voted for Biden. You got what you voted for.
House approves $40b in Ukraine aid, beefing up Biden request via @BostonGlobe But nothing for our homeless problems, especially homeless veterans. Oh, and no money for baby formula. We've become a 3rd world country overnight, just like Venezuela. Shame!!
— PainterPatriotNewWave (@patriot_painter) May 11, 2022
Dictator Biden is not happy enough with killing the babies in the womb, The White House is now committed to starving infants to death by denying them baby formula.
— Steve The Texas Biker
Southern Born & Bred (@SteveTexasBest) May 11, 2022
The richest country in the history of the world can't get baby formula to its infants. This isnt a blip. The system is designed to make the poor and working class suffer.
— Prof Zenkus (@anthonyzenkus) May 11, 2022
“It’s very stressful.” Local moms are spending hours searching for baby formula. Some are turning to social media for help. What the experts say parents need to avoid 5p #10TV
— Lindsey Mills (@LindseyMills7) May 11, 2022
Target baby formula shelf. We are sending 40 Billion to a far-off war while our babies go hungry. No serious country would act in such a manner.
— Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) May 10, 2022