I do enjoy watching the left totally meltdown. Today is another one of those days as Elon Musk has announced he will be reversing Trump’s Twitter ban when he takes full ownership of the country. Here are some of the funniest left wing meltdowns on Twitter. Those commie salty tears.
Elon Musk just stated he will restore Trump's Twitter account if his deal goes through.
Who else is hoping that Musk's Twitter dream never happens?— JennieFromHappyRock (@Jennife39481653) May 10, 2022
With the news Elon Musk plans to reinstate Trump’s Twitter account with each passing day America ticks closer to autocracy. If we lose democracy this country will never get it back, at least not in our lifetime. #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #VoteBlueToProtectWomen
— Pro-Democracy; Anti-Fascist! (@Wobbledance1) May 10, 2022
Did I just hear that Elon Musk is going to lift Trump’s Twitter ban?
F*ck right off.
— 1973 matters (@Yeggermeister) May 10, 2022
Musk is completely wrong on this point. Trump’s Twitter ban significantly diminished his voice and media coverage. https://t.co/IPmj7gx7A9
— Emerson T. Brooking (@etbrooking) May 10, 2022
I see. It’s immoral to suspend Trump’s Twitter. But it’s not immoral to give a traitorous and criminal ex-president a public platform to spew his lies, division, hate, and Putin/GQP propaganda. @elonmusk
— seagod
(@seagod22) May 10, 2022
A vote to reverse Donald Trump’s Twitter ban is a vote to overthrow democracy
— john thomas (@johnthomas1536) May 10, 2022
If Donald Trump is allowed back on Twitter, I will shut down my account and will refuse to read any tweets in the news or anywhere else. Shutting down Donald Trump’s Twitter account was a responsible act. Free speech does not include falsely yelling “fire” in a crowded theater.
— Carol Tenney (@CanyonMaid) May 10, 2022
Of course in the end, it might not matter anyway. Trump said he had no plans to return to Twitter even if he was unbanned. And with the launch of Truth Social, I don’t see why he would go back. Still, watching these crybaby commies whine is always good for the pure entertainment value.