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Elon Musk plans to fire 1,000 Twitter snowflake employees when purchase is complete

As Elon Musk finalizes his deal to purchase Twitter and turn the left wing cesspool around to being a profitable company, Musk has laid out plans on how to turn it around once he takes full ownership. You know all these left wing losers who shadowban, censor or outright ban you? They better get ready to be fired as Musk plans to fire at least 1,000 current Twitter employees once he takes over. Need a safe space because Elon Musk bought Twitter? You’ll likely need unemployment next!

Elon Musk is planning to fire 1,000 staffers at Twitter as soon as his purchase of the social media platform is complete.

It’s believed he will fire many of the firm’s woke staff following the transfer of ownership which will take around six months, after which Musk is likely to wield the ax.

But then within the next three years, Musk anticipates making thousands of new hires, swelling the ranks to around 11,000 employees, up from 7,500 currently.

Much of the new talent is likely to be in the field of engineering.

Numbers at the company would fluctuate rising to 9,225 employees this year before falling to 8,332 in 2023. Then adding a further 2,700 workers by 2025.

Most of the jobs being shelved would occur during the takeover period, according to a pitch deck Musk presented this week to investors and seen by the New York Times