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Sick! Hunter Biden’s laptop password was ‘analf–k69’

This Hunter Biden guy is one sick dude. Apparently his password for his laptop from hell (that the media is back to ignoring) was ‘analf–k69’. Dude is sick in the head. Of course with a father like Joe Biden, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Stupid people use things like “password” or “12345” as their passwords. But ‘analf–k69’? He needs help.

Biden then reportedly revealed the password was “‘analf–k69’ or something to that extent,” with Mac Isaac noting that Biden’s “inebriated condition” made it hard to understand him.

After loaning Biden the keyboard and sending him on his way, Mac Isaac grabbed a beer and got to work extracting the data from the third laptop’s hard drive.

“It took only a few files before I noticed pornography appearing in the right column,” Mac Isaac wrote.

“This is a vocational hazard; I’d gotten rather used to and gave it no mind. I was a little amazed by the sheer quantity though, and by the boldness of leaving porn files on one’s desktop.”

Mac Isaac also wrote that he found a Jan. 16, 2017, email that listed taxable income in annual amounts that reached “$2,478,000+ in 2015.”

“I was blown away. All that money and this a–hole couldn’t spring for a backup drive!” he wrote.