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Meghan McCain whines that Joe Biden lied to her

Oh look, the spawn of McCain is out seeking media attention again. After following in her father’s footsteps sucking up to Biden and bashing Trump for four years, Meghan McCain is whining about how Joe Biden lied to her. Someone may want to remind Piglet McCain that her mother Cindy McCain still works for Biden as an ambassador.

Meghan McCain, furious at President Biden’s recent vile rhetoric targeting pro-life conservatives, ripped him, writing, “I was lied to and so were you.”

McCain started her column for The Daily Mail by noting that Biden’s supporters in the media have limned all conservatives as “the moral equivalent of the Viking-helmet-insurrectionist.”

“But never — and I mean absolutely never — in my wildest dreams did I believe that Joe Biden agreed with this sentiment or would endorse it himself,” she continued, acknowledging, “I was clearly wrong.”

McCain noted that Biden had patronized in his victory speech after his 2020 election that he didn’t “see red and blue states but a United States” and that he would “work with all my heart to win the confidence of the whole people.”