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Why the Neocons hate JD Vance: he doesn’t care about Ukraine war

With JD Vance’s primary win in Ohio last night, many of the neocon/NeverTrumpers and of course media hacks threw a tantrum. Mostly because of the Trump endorsement, but there’s something else the neocons and media hate about JD Vance. He doesn’t give a shit about the Russia/Ukraine war. Now I’m starting to understand why Trump endorsed Vance over someone I had preferred like Josh Mandell.

Even former Trump admin neocons are whining about it:

In February, while the world watched Russia amass 190,000 troops along its border with Ukraine, Vance casually admitted, “I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another.”

Vance blamed US for isolating Russia
After Russia attacked, Vance revealed his own confusion about good and evil by implying that Washington, not Moscow, was at fault. He blamed America for pursuing a policy of isolating Russia and agreed that its leaders were using the war as a “smokescreen to cover the disasters in the U.S.”