The Marshall of the Supreme Court is so worried about communist left wing Democrat violence, that barricades are already being set up around the Supreme Court. This comes just hours after a leak to the media from some left wing law clerk revealed Sam Alito’s decision to overturn Roe Vs. Wade, the communist abortion law in use since 1973.
Right now: Barricades are up around the Supreme Court building, just minutes after reports from Politico were leaked indicating SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.
— Cami Mondeaux (@cami_mondeaux) May 3, 2022
Just arrived at the Supreme Court. Here’s the situation with barricades and people now showing up.
— Blair Miller (@BlairMillerTV) May 3, 2022
And as you’d expect, the communist left is cheering on violence, and even encouraging burning down stuff. Buckle up people. This is going to make the summer of 2020 look like nothing.
You wouldn't need barricades if you weren't radically stripping rights from Americans. The court has lost its legitimacy.
— Alejandra Caraballo
(@Esqueer_) May 3, 2022
why wait?! dont let those barricades at the court be for nothing lol
— all typos are my covid stroke's fault! lol (@scottfolklore) May 3, 2022
Don’t let these barricades stay bare and don’t let this courtyard stay empty.
— Erin Reed (@ErinInTheMorn) May 3, 2022
Those barricades ain't shit give them hell DC
Moreover, ICE must be destroyed
— ICE must be destroyed
(@Itmechr3) May 3, 2022