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Worthless RINOs looking to remove some China tariffs put on by Trump

The worthless RINOs in the House and Senate appear to be compromised on China, just like Joe Biden. As such, they are trying to remove some of the tariffs Trump slapped on the communist country after all of China’s intellectual property and other theft. Of course communist Democrats would go along with it, because they are trying to emulate Xi in China themselves. This is something that could really screw up the mid-term elections. Republicans always seem to screw things up when they have a historic opportunity.

Congressional Republicans continue to talk tough about confronting China economically, echoing the populist rhetoric of former President Donald Trump. But with Trump and the political cover he provided gone from Washington, GOP senators are turning away from some of the most restrictive China trade policies his administration instituted.

Instead, Republicans are pushing to approve the Senate version of the legislation, which would roll back some of Trump’s tariffs on China — something the Biden administration has been reluctant to do. And they’re threatening to pull their support for the legislation entirely if certain House trade proposals are approved by the conference committee currently negotiating the final text. Given that the final legislation will ultimately need GOP votes to get through the Senate, that gives the more traditional, pro-trade wing of the party the upper hand in the negotiations — bucking protectionist impulses that have been on the rise in both parties in recent years.