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Jack Jensz Jr., an Australian-born pastor criticized by Ilhan Omar for singing Christian songs on a plane responds

Remember that viral video a few days ago where a Christian pastor named Jack Jansz Jr. went viral? He had a guitar and was singing Christian songs on a plane. This triggered Ilhan Omar and the rest of the communist left, sparking Omar to whine that if he family had been praying on a plane, things would have been different. No one cares if Omar and her family pray on an airplane, it’s just more hatred of Christians by the left. You know, some people sang something. Now, Jack Jensz Jr. who is based in Philadelphia has responded to Omar and the Democrats whining:

“It was actually just a post to share with our friends and encourage our friends that have been following our journey,” Jensz said.

“When [Omar] posted that, I just looked at it and I didn’t really give it too much thought. I didn’t really enter into any political debate,” he continued. “For us, we just came to share the love of God, we came just to reveal to people that Jesus loves them so much, and that’s our focus. Our focus wasn’t a political agenda at all.”

Jensz captioned his TikTok videos with, “Worshipping Jesus 30,000 feet in the air!” and “We are taking this flight over for Jesus!”

Jensz explained how the worship team obtained permission from both the air host and the pilot to sing their songs on the commercial flight out of Poland, and that they would not have done so without it.