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RINO Kevin McCarthy must resign now

There is one way the Republicans could blow a sure thing in taking back the House in November. It’s backstabbing snakes like Kevin McCarthy that will lead to Democrats holding seats they should have otherwise lose. Leave it to Rachel Maddow to reveal what a slimy, snake oil salesman McCarthy is. He was caught on audio telling his buddy Liz Cheney that he would tell Trump to resign on January 10, 2021. This despite his repeated media appearances trying to convince Republicans that he never considered it. Who leaked the tape to Maddow? Likely Liz Cheney herself. But that’s fine. Cheney and Maddow did Republicans a HUGE favor, finally revealing Kevin McCarthy for who he really. He BETTER NOT become Speaker of the House if the Republicans take the House in November. He is nothing more than Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor California style.

Dare I say this, but thank you Rachel Maddow.