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Trump issues statement on failures CNN+ and Chris Wallace

I was really looking forward to this. Donald Trump has issued an official statement on the failures of CNN+, shutting down on April 30th, and Chris Wallace, the idiot Democrat hack who jumped from Fox News to CNN+ because he “wanted to do something new” or something. This is pure ownage by Trump. In the statement he congratulates CNN+ on their epic failure and mocks Chris Wallace for only having a job in media because of his hack father Mike Wallace.


I mean seriously, who honestly thought that PAYING a monthly fee, just to watch airheads on CNN was a good business model? Forget the fact you can get their stale left wing opinion and gaslighting on basically any other streaming service. But did they really think that a no talent, no charisma hack like Chris Wallace was going to lure people to PAY for CNN Plus?

This is why indoctrination in school and colleges is killing America. People who go to college for business aren’t being taught the fundamentals anymore. Instead, it’s all woke corporate crap. Americans just ain’t into that crap.