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Taylor Lorenz of Washington Post, doxxes and stalks Libs of TikTok owner at home

There is really hardly any real journalism left in this country. Taylor Lorenz, a left wing extremist who writes for Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post became so enraged over the Libs of TikTok account on Twitter that exposes the left, Lorenz not only doxxed the owner of the account, but even show up at the owner’s home, basically stalking the Libs of TikTok owner. This is not only unethical, but fricken scary. There is nothing the left wouldn’t do when you expose them.

There is just no way to justify Taylor Lorenz behavior. The silence of the Washington Post on this doxxing and stalking says more than if they issued some lame, tepid statement or apology.

Taylor Lorenz, the Washington Post’s internet culture beat reporter, is being accused of “doxxing” the anonymous woman who operates the popular Twitter account “Libs of TikTok.”

Lorenz, the former New York Times journalist who earlier this month broke down in tears on MSNBC while recounting “harassment” she has experienced online, published an article on Tuesday revealing the identity of the social media user.

“Doxxing” is the term used to describe the act of posting the personal information of those who wish to remain anonymous.

Critics accused Lorenz of hypocrisy after it was claimed that she showed up at the home of the woman’s relatives to ask questions.

The “Libs of TikTok” account, which posts TikTok videos from liberals and has generated more than 662,500 followers, posted an image of Lorenz outside the home of one of her relatives.

“Which of my relatives did you enjoy harassing the most at their homes yesterday?” read the caption attached to the photo of a woman who bears Lorenz’s likeness.