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Chicago Democrat mayor Lori Lightfoot: Carjackers just feel “unloved” or something

Carjackings in Chicago are going on at a record pace. These thugs become more brazen as the days go by. Yet, communist Democrat mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot has an excuse for these carjackings. You see, those poor little carjackers are just feeling “unloved” or something. Most carjackers in Chicago are under the age of 18. 57% of carjackers in Chicago are juveniles. So they just have tough times at home or something. You can’t make this crap up if you tried. Hug your local carjacker Chicago!

Lightfoot said she heard one common theme from participants.

There are too many young people in this room that feel unloved, and we need to change that if we are going to change the trajectory of their lives,” Lightfoot said.

The mayor said Chicago cannot “arrest ourselves” out of public safety problems.

Always the victim.