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Receipts showing direct payments from Chinese oligarchs to Hunter Biden released

Well lookie what we have here. receipts from EFC, “an arm of the Chinese Government,” paid Wells Fargo Clearing Services $100,000 and designated “further credit to Owasco,” Hunter’s firm. Of course, the media wouldn’t dare report on this, just the latest bombshell to drop on Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family. We all know nothing will happen to Hunter Biden. He is part of the protected class. The idiots at Fox News who keep claiming Hunter Biden will be indicted are full of shit, and they know it. But this is just the latest example of how corrupt the Biden crime family really is.

Grassley and Johson had previously established that Hunter was financially involved with CCP oligarchs such as Gongwen Dong and Mervyn Yan using information obtained by the Obama administration, interviews with government officials, and bank documents signed by all of the suspected parties. Hunter had also reportedly admitted to representing CCP “spy chief” Patrick Ho, “who started the company that my partner, who is worth $323 billion, founded and is now missing.”

This new receipt, Grassley said, is just the cherry on top of the Biden family’s anticipated corruption and a preview of more evidence to come.

“Hunter Biden and James Biden served as the perfect vehicle by which the communist Chinese government could gain in-roads here in the United States through CEFC and its affiliates,” Grassley explained. “And these in-roads were focused on China’s advancement into the global and U.S. energy sector. Hunter and James Biden were more than happy to go along for the right price.”

The Republicans both hinted at future speeches documenting more “high-dollar” transactions between “CEFC, Northern International Capital, Hudson West Three, Hunter Biden’s Owasco and James Biden’s Lion Hall Group” but noted that their efforts to uncover the Biden family’s foreign business dealings have been stifled by the corrupt corporate media, Big Tech, and Democrats, who don’t want compromising information about the president’s family released.