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Democrats Block GOP Bill That Would Restart Keystone XL, Federal Oil Lease Program

Democrats aren’t against oil per se. They are are against AMERICAN oil. Once again, the communist Democrats blocked a bill that would restart the KeyStone XL pipeline, making sure that this country is more reliant on Iranian or Venezuelan oil, instead of our.

Wednesday evening, 219 Democrats voted against consideration of the American Energy Independence from Russia Act offered by Republican Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, McCarthy’s office said. The legislation was introduced by Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Bruce Westerman on Feb. 28.

“This week our president – our American president – asked Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to increase oil production,” Crenshaw said during remarks on the House floor. “Asked them to boost their output so that American consumers wouldn’t see a spike in gas prices.”

“Surely (President Joe Biden) knows we can also boost domestic production right here at home. Surely he knows that domestic production supports American jobs,” Crenshaw continued. “And surely he knows that domestic production is cleaner, by far, than foreign production.”