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Scum Biden refuses to meet with parents of Trevor Reed (Marine jailed in Russia) in Texas

Trevor Reed is a US Marine who has been jailed in Moscow since 2019. Joe Biden is off to Texas today, not to encourage drilling for more oil, but instead to talk about “veteran issues”. Draft dodger Biden wouldn’t know anything about values, especially for veterans. Trevor Reed is a US Marine jailed in Moscow, and has been since 2019. He was sentenced to ten years in a Moscow prison for allegedly assaulting A police officer. The parents of Trevor Reed requested a private meeting with Joe Biden while he is in Texas, and they were DECLINED!

Joey, Paula, and Taylor Reed plan to stand outside the Fort Worth Veteran Affairs clinic when President Joe Biden visits the center Tuesday afternoon.

The family is hoping the president sees their faces and their signs urging him to bring their son and brother, Trevor Reed, home.

Reed, a Marine veteran, is currently serving a nine-year sentence in a Russian prison on alleged charges of a drunken altercation with a police officer.

U.S. officials have called the charges against him ‘preposterous,’ saying he’s being used as a political pawn by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We need to get our son home,” said his mother Paula Reed. “He’s innocent. He has no reason to be there. None whatsoever. He’s wasting his life there. He needs to come home.”

The Reeds, who live in Granbury, hoped for a private meeting with the president during his trip to Fort Worth on Tuesday but learned Monday that their request had been declined.