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Democrat plans are working: one third of Americans driving less with inflated oil prices

Oil prices were on a rapid rise before the Russia-Ukraine conflict began. They have gone up even faster since. It’s no secret that communist Democrats want Americans to drive fossil fueled vehicles less and get them into electric cars. Now it seems the plan may be working. At least a third, according to a new poll have admitted to driving less since the oil prices spiked to record levels in many states and cities.

Nearly one in three (30 percent) of Americans drove less in February, with the majority of those citing President Joe Biden’s high gas prices as the cause for less time on the road, a Monday Morning Consult poll revealed.

While about 85 percent of Americans commute to work by car, 57 percent of Americans who drove less in February did so because of the high price of gas. Thirty-three percent said they utilized their cars less because their routine was different. Fourteen percent cited “other” reasons.

Overall, 53 percent said they drove the same amount of time in February. Only nine percent said they drove more.