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Buttigieg reveals the real reason behind high gas prices: Buy an electric vehicle!

Pete Buttigieg said the quiet part out loud today. As America has hit a new all time record high for gas prices, Buttigieg and Kamala were out pimping electric vehicles. The average retail price for an electric vehicle is about $10,000 more than a gas powered car. There aren’t enough charging stations around the country to power many electric cars, but this is the real goal of the communist KGB Democrats.

This isn’t a conspiracy theory.

When will we ever learn not to fret over what’s going on in the world? Our Democrat party overlords know what’s best for us, and all we have to do is simply follow their suggestions. After all, their solutions are so simple.

Take high gas prices for example. So many of us peons worry about the skyrocketing price of gas at the pump, but America’s brilliant Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has a fix for gas prices that’s so easy it’s almost ridiculous. Why, you just need to buy an electric vehicle, you silly goose.

“Clean transportation can bring significant cost savings for the American people as well,” Buttigieg said in a speech. “Last month, we announced a $5 billion investment to build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so that people from rural to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gas savings of driving an EV.”