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Biden regime to meet with socialist Venezuela over oil

Does the Biden regime and communist Democrats think that oil from other countries like Russia, Iran or Venezuela pollute less than American oil or something? First the Biden regime shares intel with China, that they promptly give to Russia before the attack on Ukraine, now the Biden regime is going to Russia ally and socialists shithole Venezuela for oil. This instead of letting this country produce more oil on it’s own.

Socialists and communists do love each other. That’s why Russia is allies with Venezuela, and why the communist Biden regime is trying to suck up to despot tyrant Nicolas Maduro.

Senior U.S. officials on Saturday went to Venezuela, a Russian ally, to meet with the government of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, people familiar with the matter told The New York Times.

A delegation including senior State Department and White House officials is traveling to the Venezuelan capital of Caracas, sources told the Times.

It is not known how long the officials will stay in Venezuela or who they will be meeting with.

This comes as Venezuela and fellow Latin American Russia allies Nicaragua and Cuba this week abstained or did not vote on United Nations resolutions condemning Russian aggression, according to the Times, indicating that the countries may be distancing themselves from Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

Maduro has also signaled that he would be open to restarting Venezuela’s oil trade with the U.S. as President Biden mulls reducing U.S. imports of Russian oil.

“Here lies the oil of Venezuela, which is available for whomever wants to produce and buy it, be it an investor from Asia, Europe or the United States,” Maduro said Thursday, according to the Times.

This will be the most high-level meeting between the U.S. and Venezuela in Venezuela’s capital city in years, the Times noted.