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Richard Engel of NBC whines the west watches in silence if US-NATO don’t destroy Russian tanks

These media goobers are all big warmongers now that Russia has invaded Ukraine. It’s almost like the entire Democrat media complex (including Fox News and Newsmax) have become Dick Cheney over night. NBC goober Richard Engel is so fired up for war, that he whined on Twitter that if the US and NATO allies don’t bomb the 40 mile long Russian tank convoy just outside of Kiev, then we will just “watch in silence.”

Hey Richard, this goes out to you and all you filthy warmongering media hacks. If you want to defend Ukraine so much, join the damn Ukraine defense against the Russians and fight them yourself. I do NOT want a nuclear war triggered by some crazy leftist guilt tripping us about not bombing Russian tanks.

If the US and NATO didn’t grow so dependent on Russian energy, then you wouldn’t have the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The US and NATO countries have basically financed this invasion with decades of Russian energy purchases.

You worthless media hacks like Richard Engel talk a good game, but when confronted to actually do something for Ukraine, they fold like a paper tiger.