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Devon Archer, former Hunter Biden business partner goes to jail for defrauding a Native American tribe – media silent

Imagine if you will. A former business partner of Don Jr., Eric or Ivanka Trump going to jail for anything, let alone for defrauding a Native American tribe, and what the media reaction would be? You wouldn’t hear a peep about Russia-Ukraine anymore and the media would be 24/7 coverage of the “Trump corruption” because of a business partner going to jail. But since it’s Devon Archer, former business partner of Hunter Biden, the media doesn’t even mention it.

On Monday, a former business partner of Hunter Biden named Devon Archer has been sentenced to over a year in prison for his involvement in a scheme to defraud a Native American tribe of over $60 billion in bonds. Not surprisingly, all three evening newscasts completely ignored this news of the President’s son’s business partner going to federal prison.

While ignoring this report, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS Evening News & NBC Nightly News did all have time to hyperventilate over global warming, while CBS also had additional time to report on a mail truck that crashed off a bridge and fell into a river.

According to a report in the New York Post, Archer was sentenced to one year and one day in federal prison by Manhattan Judge Ronnie Abrams. “There’s no dispute about the harm caused to real people,” Judge Abrams said. In addition to jail time, Archer will have to pay back over $15 million in forfeiture as well as over $43 million in economic restitution.