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Do Russian oligarchs have “embarrassing material” on Hunter Biden?

Joe Biden’s disgusting retreat back to Delaware this weekend, and other clown show antics since Russia invaded Ukraine this past week brings up the question, do Russian oligarchs have “embarrassing material” on Hunter Biden? Biden has refused to cut off Russian oil imports, and aside from a few mumbling, stumbling speeches has been largely absent during the Russia-Ukraine war. Hunter may be the reason why.

We all know the Biden crime family is compromised with China. Are they with Russia too?

Peter Schweizer, author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, speculated that Russian oligarchs may have “embarrassing material” on Hunter Biden.

“The problem is that we know that Hunter Biden has received millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs, some of whom are connected to Vladimir Putin,” Schweizer said on the Charlie Kirk Show with special guest host Alex Marlow. “The most effective way you can hamstring Putin would be to put sanctions on Russian oligarchs, those that have massive holdings in the West.”

He continued, “Everybody who observes and follows Russia knows those oligarchs are holding money for Vladimir Putin. You need to seize the assets of those pro-Kremlin oligarchs that are operating out of London, the United States, Israel, Western Europe.”

President Joe Biden is unlikely to use punitive measures against Russian oligarchs’ assets as his son is compromised by such figures, Schweizer assessed.

“The problem is, I don’t think we’re going to slap sanctions on those people, because some of those people have done business deals with Hunter Biden, and they no doubt probably have very embarrassing material on Joe Biden’s one and only living son,” he stated.