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Biden in Putin’s pocket, wouldn’t stop Russian oil imports

After oil briefly hit $100 per barrel today, the big question is why wouldn’t the corrupt Biden regime cut off oil imports from Russia and allow the US to make more of it’s own energy. The answer is simple. Biden is still Putin’s little bitch. This country imports 595,000 barrels of oil from Russia every day. The Keystone XL Pipeline that Biden killed his first day in office would more than offset the Russian’s oil imports. The Keystone XL pipeline would allow for 800,000 barrels per day of oil to be produces. But because of green new deal communist Democrats, our pipeline from Canada was killed.

>Host Norah O’Donnell asked, “Russia’s economy’s fueled by gas, and the U.S. is a consumer. So, would the U.S. consider cutting off oil and gas purchases from Russia?”

Blinken responded, “Well, what we’re doing, Norah, across the board, is making sure that we inflict maximum pain on Russia for what President Putin has done, while minimizing any of the pain to us.”

He also stated, “We’re in full coordination with other countries, both consumers and producers alike, to minimize any impact that this may have on energy prices and on gasoline.”