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Jason Kenney – Premier of Alberta sues Trudeau over Emergencies Act

Jason Kenney, the Premier of Canadian province of Alberta is suing the dictator Justin Trudeau after his power grab with the Emergencies Act. A province premier is sort of like a governor of a state in this country. Kenney though is another one of those squish “conseratives”. While a is filing suite against Trudeau, more because Alberta is a conservative province of Canada, he still supports Dictator Trudeau’s crackdown on peaceful protesters in Ottawa over the weekend. Kenney would basically be a RINO, a Willard Mitt Romney in this country.

Jason Kenney, the Premier of the Canadian province of Alberta, announced Saturday that he was suing the federal government of Canada and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for their use of the Emergencies Act, calling the move “unjustified in the circumstances.”

During an interview with the Edmonton, Alberta-based Edmonton Sun, Kenney said he was filing a legal challenge in Canadian federal court in order to suspend Trudeau and the liberal government’s implementation of the act to crack down on the “Freedom Convoy” protest currently ongoing in the nation’s capital of Ottawa.

Kenney made clear that he still wanted law and order restored, and did not want to be misconstrued. “The situation in Ottawa is serious. Law and order has to be restored,” said Kenney, adding that he believed protestors should not be able to blockade the center of any city, much less the nation’s capital, for any reason or cause. “But the Emergencies Act was designed to come into effect at the failure of the state,” in the event of a coup or insurrection that threatened to topple Canada’s democratic institutions. “However, there is no insurrection or coup,” he said.