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So leftists dox #FreedomConvoy donors, but we still don’t have names of Ghislaine Maxwell clients?

Something is really wrong here. The communist left doxxes people who were donors to the #FreedomConvoy protests in Canada, after they hacked Give Send Go. Media are illegally using this list to hassle donors. But what about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell clients? I’m not advocating for doxxing, but how is that these pervert scums have remained completely anonymous, even after Maxwell’s conviction, but donors to a peaceful protest in Canada get hassled? Nothing makes sense here.

You know full well that Epstein/Maxwell’s client list includes Canadians. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trudeau and his minions are on the list too. But these names are secret and American donors are swarmed by the communist media. These whole world doesn’t make sense. It’s almost like everything is upside down.

Of course Trudeau may have just gone to Cuba for his fun. Since he basically resembles Fidel Castro.