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NYC Mayor Eric Adams fires 1,430 employees for being unvaccinated

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is proving himself to be nothing more than Bill De Blasio 2.0. He’s shown he’s weak on crime, refuses to have inept DA Alvin Bragg fired, and now has fired over 1,400 New York City employees because they haven’t taken the vaccine. I could get angry about this, but I wouldn’t. New York City idiots elected people like Adams, De Blasio and Bragg, so they are just getting what they voted for. Until the people of New York City learn their lesson about voting for communists, they will continue to get crap like this.

Officials say 1,430 unvaccinated NYC employees were terminated Friday, as the city instituted its first round of eliminations of municipal workers who defied the vaccine mandate.

Virtually all of the employees dismissed Friday had been on unpaid leave for more than three months, a city official said, so residents should not see a disruption in city services.

The city was pleasantly surprised to learn that another 939 employees who were unpaid leave decided to get vaccinated and keep their jobs – nearly 40% of those who were on leave without pay.

And 99.8% of new employees, hired under the requirement that they get two vaccines doses, did so.