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Only 16% of Canadians would vote for ‘weak’ Trudeau based on his leadership

If Canadians want to see what Justin Trudeau will look like in 25 years, they need look no further than the current American idiots resident Joe Biden. Justin Trudeau has done all he can to emulate Biden with failed communist policies, mandates, and weakness. Canadians see it, and only 16% of Canadians polled would re-elect PM Black Face based on his leadership. Trudeau’s far left communist party got about 32% of the vote during the last election in Canada. The only way he is Prime Minister is because he formed a coalition government with other communist parties in Canada.

Also, the conservative party is weak, timid and inept. Much like the Republican party in America.

Based on his leadership or lack thereof during the trucker protests, a mere 16% of Canadians would “want to vote for him because of how he has dealt with the situation.”

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney. I think this could cost him his job,” John Wright – executive vice-president of Maru Public Opinion and a 32-year industry veteran – told the Edmonton Journal.