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NBC executives whine about record low Olympics ratings

From the moment of the opening ceremonies at the genocide games in Beijing, NBC and their pro CCP hacks have been trying as best they could to try and prop up the communist regime’s reputation and Olympians (like Eileen Gu), to try to get people to forget about Communist China’s crimes against humanity. It hasn’t worked though. These Olympics are slated to be the lowest rated Olympics ever (winter or summer) and NBC executives are whining.

NBC has publicly addressed its low-rated broadcast of the Genocide Games, with a senior network executive describing the situation as “difficult” while blaming the pandemic for the low level of enthusiasm.

In a conference call with reporters Thursday, NBC Sports chairman Pete Bevacqua laid out a grim assessment of the past week.

“For us, it’s been difficult. There’s no way around this,” he said, according to a report from The Hollywood Reporter.

“The fact that we’ve been able to bring these Games to life during a pandemic with only a six-month window between the two [Olympics], the ratings are — of course we always want to have the ratings better — but the ratings for these Games, as I said, are about where we thought they’d be.”
He blamed COVID restrictions for the lack of “passion and excitement” that typically surrounds the Olympics.

“It’s no secret that athletes in masks, venues without spectators, so much of the passion and excitement, those great moments of Olympic athletes hugging their family and friends and spouses and partners, so much of that magic is just out of necessity not present.”

Bevacqua didn’t appear to address widespread public disgust at NBC for glorifying China and sidestepping the CCP’s numerous human rights atrocities.